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Sister School Spirit!

June 4, 2013 by Heather Murphy-Garcia

ICS students had the chance to spend an entire day with the students from Holy Name of Mary School in San Dimas.  They have been our “sister school” for about 15 years or so, and this was one of the first times that we joined the two groups together!   Students prepared for the visit by sending penpal letters back and forth.  When they arrived on that special day, their buddies were excitedly waiting for them.  They participated in Get Acquainted activities first, and then attended Mass together.  The true highlight of the day came after Mass when the HNM fiesta opened its rides just for the students.  Children from both schools
ran from one attraction to another screaming and laughing!  We are so
grateful to have had this opportunity, and look forward to more time
together in the future.


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